Irfan Damanhuri

PERSONAL SKILL ADVANTAGES Understanding basic concept of database process and and able to implement into PHP Web Programming Understanding the concept of computer networking Able to operate Microsoft office package, including installation of Windows OS and others Understanding of computer maintenance and hardware installation Able to communicate with communicative and professional to costumer Willing to work hard and under pressure, both individual and team Responsibility in every duty that has been given Able to speak English passive
EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia. Tbk Helpdesk Unit Telkom Flexi, function : Technical complain and claim billing flexi. Costumer Care Officer (CCO) Costumer representative Support, Both Flexi Center and Frontliner. Monitoring Server / Makxi Aplication ( Flexi Card Management ) Monitoring Server / CCF Aplication ( Flexy Costumer Care ) Monitoring server / SBF Aplication ( Billing Focus System ) Create report Log book complain Flexi
Rp. 1.000.000 - Rp. 2.000.000
Tue, 07/03/2006

Full Nmae : Irfan Damanhuri
Address : Komp. Muara Bahari No. 254. Rt 015/Rw 013 Gg. Bak air
5 Tj. Priok North Jakarta 14310
Phone : Home (021- 43904284) Flexi( 021- 70808071)
Birth of date :Jakarta Utara, 6 Mei 1983
Status : Single
Gender : Male