Name : Wahyudi Kurniawan
Place / Date of delivering birth : Jakarta / March 16 th, 1985
Gender : Male
Nationality : Indonesia
Religion : Islam
Formal education ;
1. Elementary School graduated degree in
2. Junior High School graduated degree in
3. Senior High School graduated degree in
4. Bachelor Degree (S1) Information Technique
Gunadarma University with GPA 3.24 (2003-2007)degree in
Informal education ;
1. English Courses degree in
2. Java Fundamental
(SUN Certification) degree in
Address : Asr. Yon Zikon 15 Rt. 01/010 No. 45
Lenteng Agung Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan 12610
Phone / Mobile : (021) 78884616 / 085695358606
Email : wawaygundar@yahoo.com
1. Assisten and Instructor in Lembaga Pengembangan Komputerisasi (LePKom)
Computer Application and Programming Laboratory.
2. Computer and Networking Maintenance in Laboratory.
1. Intoduction to Visual Studio 2005, Sql Server Server Express 2005.
2. Introduction of E-Learning for lecturer in Gunadarma Unversity scope.